Introduction to Client:
CodersArts is one of our leading products. The company deals in a variety of products and services such as Web Development, Mobile App Development, Technology Solutions for Business, Dedicated developers for projects, IT Solutions, Database Development and Programming expert help solutions.
About the project:
The goal of this project was to build a well-designed website to host the Artificial Intelligence service of CodersArts. The designed website is very minimalistic in appearance and makes use of minimalistic illustrations to add a bit of flair to the overall UI design. The colours contrast well with each other and the colour psychology used behind the choice of colours also works well, the main colours are deep blue, cyan and white the body text is of a very deep blue colour as well. Blue symbolizes stability, reliability and wisdom while white represents a blank slate or a fresh start.
The website has two modes, light and dark, and the user can switch between the two very easily by using the toggle button in the top navigation bar.

The website makes use of just two typefaces, "Josefin Sans" and "Open Sans", different weights of which have been utilized according to the requirement. The website is modern and makes use of techniques such as neumorphism for the buttons etc, but still is very simple to use for everyone.
The colours contrast very well with each other and pass all the required WCAG guidelines, which further enhances the website's UX.
Here are some other pages of the website, feel free to leave your thoughts about the UI and the UX of the website in the comments section.

Key Aspects of the Website's Design:
Minimalistic Design.
Easy to navigate.
Fun and easy to understand illustrations.
Colour psychology, which complements the brand's vision.
Contrasting colours, help with readability.
Incorporates modern techniques like neumorphism.
Do let us know your views on the designs and how they can be improved!
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